Saturday, July 24, 2010
Pernahkah Kita Fikirkan?.....
Sekadar menambah ilmu didada. Aku kembali ke ruang yang terbina. Sebenarnya, sejak bergelar pelajar kembali. Aku punyai banyak masa yang terluang. Inilah untungnya menjadi pelajar. Hanya belajar dan terus belajar. Tapi, sejauh manapun kita belajar. Kita tetap kena kembali kepada hukum alam.
Alhamdulillah, akhirnya impian aku untuk membeli sebuah Camera DsLr terkabul jua. Thanks My Mum. Kamulah ibu yang terbaik. Tanpa kamu, impian saya tak kan tercapai. Sebabnya, sebahagian duit simpanan saya masih tak cukup. Justeru ibu memberikan sedikit wang buat saya. Begitu juga dengan My Father. Dia juga ada menambah sedikit sebanyak untuk cukupkan duit beli camera ini.
Aku sangat bertuah dilahirkan dalam sebuah keluarga yang penuh kasih sayang. Walaupun hakikatnya aku dilahirkan dalam sebuah keluarga yang miskin. Aku bersyukur sangat. Kerana walaupun miskin, kami masih tetap dapat teruskan kehidupan dalam hal yang amat menggembirakan. Benarlah kata orang, harta yang paling bermakna dalam dunia ini adalah kasih sayang. Atas sebab ini, kami hidup dalam kebahagiaan.
Berbalik kepada percaturan ini. Apa yang aku ingin coretkan adalah mengenai sepohon pokok padi. Kita jarang perhatikan. Sebenarnya, pepatah ada menyatakan. Ikutlah resmi padi, semakin menunduk semakin berisi. Itulah hakikatnya. Padi amat pemalu. Dia tidak seperti lalang yang bongkak ditiup angin. Sehinggakan sampai satu tahap, lalang ini akan menyemakkan permandangan. Tidak seperti pada. Dimana ia sangat bermakna. Tanpa padi, kita tidak akan dapat sesuap nasi. Justeru, padilah sumber makanan asasi kita. Gunakanlah akal untuk memikirkannya.
Ya, jarang sekali kita fikirkan betapa susahnya petani itu. Aku berbicara di sini sebab ayahku seorang petani. Adawaktu, aku sedih melihat keringat peluh ayahku di sawah. Dari permulaan benih hinggalah kepada sepetak sawah padi. Namun tiada siapapun mengerti kesusahan seorang petani itu. Lumrah dunia, kesenangan yang dikecapi membuatkan kita lupa pada asal usul kita.
Aku juga bukanlah manusia yang sempurna. Namun aku berusaha untuk menjadi sesempurna yang mungkin bagi laluan kehidupan ini. Adakala aku tersasar, aku mohon dikembalikan kepada jalan yang benar. Ya, kehidupan bukanlah mudah seperti yang kita jangka. Salah menongkah arus, kita akan tersasar.
Semoga titipan kali ini bermakna buat kalian dan juga diriku sendiri. Ilmu bukanlah untuk disimpan dalam kenangan, tetapi ilmu itu harus disampaikan dan diamalkan sepanjang kehidupan.
Sepetang di PTSB
Akhirnya aku dapat jua menyambungkan pelajaran ke Politeknik Tuanku Sultanah Bahiyah. Aku amat gembira. Semasa mendapat tawaran menyambung pengajian ke politeknik ini, aku rasakan Allah memberikan aku peluang untuk aku kembali menyambungkan pengajianku yang tertunggak satu masa dulu. Inilah impianku untuk memegang segulung diploma. Harta yang paling aku dambakan dalam kehidupan ini. Biarlah insan lain menilaiku dari sudut yang lain, tapi aku mengenali diriku yang sebenar.
Bagi orang, aku lewat. Namun tidak bagi aku. Ya, mungkin sebab umurku 24 tahun dan baru mula untuk menyambung pengajian ke peringkat diploma. Sedangkan kawan-kawan seangkatan denganku semuanya sudah melanjutkan pelajaran ke peringkat master. Ramai yang sudah habis belajar dan memegang segulung ijazah. Namun aku tidak mengalah. Itu rezeki mereka. Bukan aku.
Aku pernah kecewa suatu masa lalu, ketika aku mendaki ke puncak. Akhirnya aku terjatuh. Allah mengujiku dengan kesakitan. Sehinggakan aku terpaksa berhenti belajar di Universiti Teknologi Mara, Kelantan. Itu mungkin bukan rezekiku, bagi aku. Percaturan yang Maha Esa sungguh hebat. Dia memberikan aku kehidupan yang indah. Sedangkan selama ini, aku jarang sekali menghargai. Terima kasih Ya Allah.
Perkongsian kali ini, bukan aku ingin berkongsi perihal diriku. Mungkin kalian sudah jemu membaca coretan pengisian diri yang sentiasa mencerna kehidupan. Namun aku ke sini sekadar berkongsi keadaan indah di PTSB. Kesempatan yang ada, aku berjalan sekitar PTSB dan mencari sudut gambar terbaik untuk aku jadikan koleksi peribadi diri. Justeru, di sini aku ingin berkongsi bersama kalian. Semoga gambar-gambar menarik PTSB ini menjadi simpanan dalam minda kalian.
Lihatlah dengan ketajaman akal. Alam indah ciptaan Tuhan digubah dengan kepintaran manusia hasil pemberian ilham Yang Maha Esa. Renungi selagi ianya bererti dalam kehidupan kalian...
Friday, July 9, 2010
Non-Personal Requirements
I just wanted to share a case or a story about life in principle we do not understand. I wish we were in the same view from a positive angle. do not have feelings about love or think negatively of what I want. so I hope your self-assessment to the right.
actually want to discuss the topic a bit sensitive. but here we are all men except for you haniza. so I think on my behalf is not a problem. just sharing the knowledge. I am not a wise evaluate life. I apologize if I mis-trial matters, and we equally correct.
I actually like a surf. but every day I spend much time there. I love finding new knowledge in my life and also share about life there. however, despite the advantages of the internet. it also has its own disadvantages. sharing about life is beautiful. but if we are wrong arrangement. we will find the wrong way.
and about which I will discuss here is the life of a man who is not normal. means this man has spent his life by choosing the wrong path of life. A man should love a woman in his life. but the man failed to do so. assessment may vary and will be considered normal or not this man be gay. This reality should be accepted as instinct itself that requires this to happen.
I am not speaking on my own. but the information was collected on the Internet. I studied why this happens. in fact, I found some contacts through this. I try to understand them. who they are and the life they lead. yes, they are the wrong way. They tried to get out of this world they have created themselves. but they failed. why?. the instinct of their own. they had to fight to the needs of themselves and claim their desires.
I think they initially difficult to come out of their lives is because they enjoy with the requirements of their claims sonsang desires. but I am mistaken. but some of my evaluation of their state. they do not want to follow this path. but the requirements themselves. they were also. I sympathize, to help them is not my field. I can give advice, but to change their choice.
possible for you it is something that disgusting. as you evaluate your own terms. but if you understand and share with them about life, you will certainly understand and better understood. I believe. No matter what we do not share, because people today are still conservative and not open minded. why?. for still adhering to the tradition of Asian. beliefs about religion to be important, therefore, we have not understood the meaning of life that I talk. even my own at first loathe to their lives. when I share stories and things of this life. I take them at their policies in the name of a friendship. not only that one man's nose. but there are also women face the same sense and about the topics I discuss here. I just do not have time to continue my research to find the identity of the man who by the way the second one in their lives.
okay. I think so far only thing I want to share to you all. my order. although nothing about life. we have to pass. This living arrangement should be appreciated by itself. for people who either choose this path, we must take them more. and helps them out of the inverse problem of life and experience. Hopefully with this bit of information I share can we use for the future. use reasonable discretion in the face of life.
I apologize if there is one thing I talk. pat chest and ask your mind. good case to be traveled roads, like the best.
actually want to discuss the topic a bit sensitive. but here we are all men except for you haniza. so I think on my behalf is not a problem. just sharing the knowledge. I am not a wise evaluate life. I apologize if I mis-trial matters, and we equally correct.
I actually like a surf. but every day I spend much time there. I love finding new knowledge in my life and also share about life there. however, despite the advantages of the internet. it also has its own disadvantages. sharing about life is beautiful. but if we are wrong arrangement. we will find the wrong way.
and about which I will discuss here is the life of a man who is not normal. means this man has spent his life by choosing the wrong path of life. A man should love a woman in his life. but the man failed to do so. assessment may vary and will be considered normal or not this man be gay. This reality should be accepted as instinct itself that requires this to happen.
I am not speaking on my own. but the information was collected on the Internet. I studied why this happens. in fact, I found some contacts through this. I try to understand them. who they are and the life they lead. yes, they are the wrong way. They tried to get out of this world they have created themselves. but they failed. why?. the instinct of their own. they had to fight to the needs of themselves and claim their desires.
I think they initially difficult to come out of their lives is because they enjoy with the requirements of their claims sonsang desires. but I am mistaken. but some of my evaluation of their state. they do not want to follow this path. but the requirements themselves. they were also. I sympathize, to help them is not my field. I can give advice, but to change their choice.
possible for you it is something that disgusting. as you evaluate your own terms. but if you understand and share with them about life, you will certainly understand and better understood. I believe. No matter what we do not share, because people today are still conservative and not open minded. why?. for still adhering to the tradition of Asian. beliefs about religion to be important, therefore, we have not understood the meaning of life that I talk. even my own at first loathe to their lives. when I share stories and things of this life. I take them at their policies in the name of a friendship. not only that one man's nose. but there are also women face the same sense and about the topics I discuss here. I just do not have time to continue my research to find the identity of the man who by the way the second one in their lives.
okay. I think so far only thing I want to share to you all. my order. although nothing about life. we have to pass. This living arrangement should be appreciated by itself. for people who either choose this path, we must take them more. and helps them out of the inverse problem of life and experience. Hopefully with this bit of information I share can we use for the future. use reasonable discretion in the face of life.
I apologize if there is one thing I talk. pat chest and ask your mind. good case to be traveled roads, like the best.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Malang Yang tidak bErbau..
Mencipta sejarah itu adalah perkara yang mudah untuk dilakukan. Kerana masa yang berlalu & peristiwa yang berlaku adalah sejarah yang terbina. Sekadar berkongsi soal kehidupan. Masa lalu, kemalangan. Hal yang tak dapat kita elakkan. Begitu dengan penulis di sini. Pada Jumaat lalu, 1 julai 2010. Penulis telah mengalami satu kemalangan di jalan susur keluar ke seberang jaya.
Maksud di sini, bukan penulis suka menceritakan hal berlalu. Cuma perkongsian ini supaya ianya boleh dijadikan ikhtibar bersama. Penulis cuai ketika itu kerana leka dengan perasaan. Penulis lansung tidak perasan ada sebuah motosikal melencong menyusuri susur ke luar lebuh raya. Akibatnya, penulis telah terlanggar motosikal itu.
Hal yang paling sedihnya. Adalah anaknya, ketika penulis menolong anak pembonceng motosikal itu. Perkara utama yang ditanya adalah keadaan ayahnya. Penulis terasa hati. Betapa dia amat menjaga orang tuanya dari dirinya sendiri. Itulah hakikat kehidupan. Walaupun dia india, dia tetap berpegang kuat pada agama dan jati diri sebenar.
Penulis rasa bersalah sangat. Mudahan lain kali penulis lebih berhati-hati. Penulis mohon maaf.
Maksud di sini, bukan penulis suka menceritakan hal berlalu. Cuma perkongsian ini supaya ianya boleh dijadikan ikhtibar bersama. Penulis cuai ketika itu kerana leka dengan perasaan. Penulis lansung tidak perasan ada sebuah motosikal melencong menyusuri susur ke luar lebuh raya. Akibatnya, penulis telah terlanggar motosikal itu.
Hal yang paling sedihnya. Adalah anaknya, ketika penulis menolong anak pembonceng motosikal itu. Perkara utama yang ditanya adalah keadaan ayahnya. Penulis terasa hati. Betapa dia amat menjaga orang tuanya dari dirinya sendiri. Itulah hakikat kehidupan. Walaupun dia india, dia tetap berpegang kuat pada agama dan jati diri sebenar.
Penulis rasa bersalah sangat. Mudahan lain kali penulis lebih berhati-hati. Penulis mohon maaf.
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